Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Toggl Hire cost?

Toggl Hire offers two subscription cycles based on your hiring needs: Annual and Monthly.

Here are our annual plans: Free, Basic, Premium, and Business. Our annual paid plans start from $20 per month. Our monthly plans include Free, Premium, and Business and start at $535 per month.

When you sign up for Toggl Hire, you will automatically start with our free plan. You can compare our subscription plans here.

Who creates the questions in your skills test library?

All questions are created by leading experts in their respective industries and go through an extensive peer review. As thousands of candidates take these skills tests every week, we use built-in feedback as well as statistics and analytics to constantly monitor and improve the quality of the skills tests.

  • Questions created by our community of experts and team leads, hiring for these roles
  • All questions submitted need to pass peer-review and are double-vetted
  • Built-in feedback to flag and replace questions that are underperforming
  • We use data and statistics from 1000+ candidates per week taking the tests, constantly improving the overall quality

What main features do you offer as a recruitment software?

Toggl Hire is a full-cycle recruitment software designed to streamline the entire hiring process, starting with candidate tracking and all the way through to extending an offer.

  • Applicant Tracking System: Our talent pipeline offers more customization abilities than most other applicant tracking systems on the market. Drag and drop candidates across your pipeline or mix and match stages like qualifying questions, video interviews, and more to build a custom pipeline that’s exactly what you need.
  • Candidate Management: Access a centralized and organized database full of all your current and past candidates. You can easily add, update, or remove candidates as needed, simplifying your candidate records and streamlining your recruitment process.
  • Collaborative Hiring: We've made it easy to connect hiring managers, recruiters, and others via dynamic hiring feeds and built-in notifications. Keep your team on track to meet their hiring goals.
  • Candidate Assessments: Toggl Hire offers one of the most robust and extensive skills assessment libraries on the market. All the questions are crafted by subject-matter experts and curated by seasoned professionals. Choose from skills tests, video interview prompts, or homework assignments.
  • Candidate Experience: With automatic candidate feedback, email integrations, and quick communication filters, candidates are always kept in the loop. That’s why 4 out of 5 candidates love Toggl Hire—making it a great tool to help you build a stellar employer brand.

Is Toggl Hire easy to set up and use?

Getting started with Toggl Hire takes only few clicks. We’ll ask you a few questions to customize your account as best as possible. Then, we'll drop you into a pipeline based on your needs and the role you’re hiring for. Drag and drop hiring stages to fully customize your candidate pipeline.

What type of questions do you offer?

One of the advantages of Toggl Hire skills tests is that you can mix and match different skills, customise questions and add in custom questions.

  • 180+ different skills
  • 20,000+ questions
  • 7 main categories: Technical, Sales and Support, Marketing, Product and Design, Finance, Administrative, Language and soft skills
  • Simple to use
  • Mix and match test library questions with custom questions
  • 6 question types: Free Text, Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Picture Choice, Numeric Input, Code Input
  • Build custom tests
  • Growing rapidly, 100+ new questions added every month

How is Toggl Hire better than other popular recruitment software?

Toggl Hire wins over other popular options such as Workable, Recruitee, and Greenhouse because only Toggl Hire...

  • Lets you shortlist candidates based on skills with one click
  • Offers more than five skills tests, all of them created by experts
  • Uses native tools to help reduce bias, promoting fairer hiring
  • Allows for asynchronous video interviews that candidates love
  • Is intuitive enough for your whole team to use and understand
  • Puts the candidate experience first to help you build a strong employer brand

Do I have to use your tests or can I create custom tests or add custom questions?

Yes, you can create a custom test from scratch or add custom question(s) to our generated tests. You can also edit individual questions from our test library into custom questions.

How do you prevent cheating or fraud when taking the skills test?

We constantly monitor the performance of questions, using data from thousand of candidates each week. In addition, we give you access to question performance for every skills test you create so questions that are answered correctly by everyone are easily detected and can be removed or replaced with a simple click. Each candidate goes through verification using LinkedIn, Github or Facebook and is restricted to taking the test only once. They will see their overall score but don’t have access to what questions were answered correct or incorrect.

How does Toggl Hire compare to other hiring platforms?

Toggl Hire is the only full-cycle hiring platform that's purpose-built for skills-based hiring. Enjoy ATS capabilities out of the box. Track candidate status, customize your hiring pipeline, automate emails and collaborate with team members—all in one tool, at no additional cost.

How does Toggl Hire store candidate's data?

We use Amazon AWS to securely store the candidate data. Data storage is backed up continuously to prevent any data loss.

Full-cycle hiring that feels effortless

Use our recruitment software to screen candidates with skills tests and cut your time to hire by over 80%.

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