Hire faster with a talent pool

Think long–term. Build a talent pool of pre-qualified candidates. With your own curated database, you’ll fill positions faster and more cost-effectively—guaranteed to make your boss (and your bottom line) very happy.

Trusted by teams at

A way to hire without launching a full-on recruitment process

Hire smarter, not harder. Create a talent network to accelerate time-to-hire.

Your private database of qualified talent

Welcome to your own treasure trove of qualified candidates. Toggl Hire automatically saves all past test takers in a private database that's all yours. Easily add new talent, update candidate records, and prune the list as needed. Your perfect hire is always just a few clicks away.

Never source from 
scratch again

Filling a tough role or replacing a key player? No sweat. With a ready-to-go pool of pre-qualified candidates, you can hire quickly and confidently. Search by skill, location, or role to find ideal matches instantly. Sourcing from scratch is so last year.

Grab the attention of passive candidates

Give passive candidates a way to express interest in your company even if they’re not looking for a job right now. Expand your network with always-on open applications for major roles, ensuring you have top talent ready for future opportunities.

From our talent pool to yours

Sometimes, finding the right skills match is hard — really hard. That’s why we recently launched a candidate recommendation feature. With thousands of candidates taking our tests every month, we’ve built up a diverse talent network worldwide, and now you can benefit from it, too!

Why 80% of candidates looove Toggl Hire

Short & sweet: just what candidates want

Our tools help you keep candidates engaged without overwhelming them. Deliver just the right amount of detail to spark interest and maintain enthusiasm throughout the hiring process.

No ghosting: instant feedback via test results

Don’t leave your candidates waiting in the dark (that’s rude). Use automated pass thresholds to provide instant feedback and inform candidates about the next steps. Plus, save hours of your time!

Questions designed to test
knowledge, not memory

Our skills tests are created and peer-reviewed by industry’s top practitioners. Instead of aggressive proctoring and trick questions, we believe in job-specific competency testing to find top talent.

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Explore more full-cycle hiring features

Solve talent sourcing challenges with a talent pool

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