Top Places to Work Remotely in 2020 [Comic]
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Top Places to Work Remotely in 2020 [Comic]

Post Author - Violet Kim Violet Kim Last Updated:

Working from home can be great, at least when your home setup is great. And even when it’s not so great, current circumstances (global pandemic) mean that we have to, great or not. Even in the distant post-pandemic future, many predict that working remotely is here to stay. This means remote work and remote workspaces are here to stay.

What if you’re tired of working from home? Your house may be the most obvious location for your remote workspace, it may not necessarily feel like the best.

You may have the best tools at your disposal: ‘grammable plants and our very own time tracker for enhanced productivity. But maybe your apartment is the size of a shoebox. Maybe your housemate has staked out a claim over the living room coffee table. Or maybe you just need a change of scenery, and are wondering about the possibility of remote workspaces beyond the meager hand you’ve been dealt.

Coworking spaces have attempted to adapt to the times. But gone are the days of simply walking into a café in search of Wi-Fi and a power outlet. The neighborhood coffee shop or living room coffee table are no longer options. So where else can you find your remote workspaces?

We present the following list of alternative remote workspaces in answer to this very question, from the creatives behind War and Peas.

We cannot vouch for the safety or practicability of these remote workspaces. However, we can guarantee that the list itself topical and fair.

Some of these remote workspaces–such as the afterlife–might not personally appeal to you. Maybe the wisdom of the deceased is not enough to make up for the unsolicited advice from your grandma. Other remote workspaces–such as the bear cave–might expand your idea of the possibilities for remote workspaces.

Maybe you’ll decide, after all, that there is no workplace like home. Maybe you’ll start looking for haunted castles on Zillow. Whatever your personal preferences, our comprehensive guide to working from home has great advice for getting the most out of your workspace away from work. 

Violet Kim

Violet likes consistency, precision, and things organized neatly. She’s agnostic on the serial comma.

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