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15 Team Management Tips That Will Make Your Job Way Easier

Post Author - Logan Derrick Logan Derrick Last Updated:

Leading a team is often a tiring and demanding venture. With so many moving pieces, finding the right balance from week to week can feel overwhelming. Luckily, there are numerous techniques to make team management much simpler and more rewarding.

As you put together a team for your project you will begin to see the best ways to assist them, what goals to set, and how to effectively communicate with each other. These strategies improve as time progresses, but there are some steps you can take to expedite the process.

Simplify your management strategy with these team management tips to help you develop talent, lead your team, and get better results. #leadership

Don’t allow yourself to blindly jump into a project without first reviewing ways to develop a united group of teammates. Let’s take a look at some team management tips that will make your job easier.

1. Hire the Right People

Finding the right team members for your team can be difficult, but it’s crucial to your project’s productivity. As you interview and hire candidates, get to know them one-on-one to learn more about their talents, skills, and strengths. This will allow you to make informed decisions when adjusting positions and responsibilities.

2. Set Achievable Goals

Everyone on your team should know what they are striving for on a daily basis. Without clear, concise goals, your team will miss deadlines, or forget tasks. Set goals as a team and also discuss individual goals with each person to confirm you are all on the same page.

3. Establish a Team Mission

While your team should have regimented, day-to-day goals, there should also be a long-term goal you are all trying to reach. Open up a discussion for your team members to provide insight or suggestions on this matter. Use this feedback to set a team mission for all of you to work toward every day.

4. Delegate Tasks Effectively

It’s easy for tasks and responsibilities to fall by the wayside when there are multiple people working on the same project. Effective team management ensures each member of the team has a workload that fits their skills and keeps them engaged. Oftentimes, this can mean teaming up multiple people to collaborate on certain tasks together.

5. Maintain Open Communication

Keeping communication channels wide open is vital to the success of any project. Using a tool like Toggl Plan can help your team be aware of timelines, individual assignments, and allows them to discuss details about those tasks with one another. These abilities allow your project to run smoothly and avoid responsibility overlap or deadlines being missed.

[bctt tweet=”Open #communication is vital to the success of your #project. Manage your team better with these tips.” username=”toggl plan”]

6. Manage Time Wisely

Project managers tend to feel like there are never enough hours in the day, making effective time management a central part of any project. Avoid time-wasting activities like excessive meetings, personal social media use, and other distractions. Instead, keep your team’s priorities in check with numbered lists and definitive schedules.

7. Discuss Teamwork in Performance Reviews

Accountability is essential to maintaining an effective work environment, which is why you should be holding performance reviews at least once a year. Within these review, discuss each individual’s contributions to the team and how well they are staying involved. Commend them for their positive input and discuss ways they can improve upon any shortcomings.

8. Provide Feedback

Sincere praise provides motivation and drive for your team members. As part of your performance reviews, offer honest feedback and constructive praise. Also give them a chance to provide you with feedback on your leadership tactics to ensure you are doing all that is necessary as a manager.

9. Resolve Team Issues

Unfortunately, teams can disagree on things from time to time making resolution an important aspect of your job. These issues don’t always work themselves out, so there may be times where you need to step in and help those involved find a solution or reach a compromise. Avoid large group problems by addressing conflicts right away.

10. Be Enthusiastic About Projects

All good managers know that a good mood is contagious to those around them. There will be times when the work is overbearing or particularly difficult. Find ways to maintain a positive attitude within your group by holding contests or offering additional incentives.

11. Do Your Part and More

Team management isn’t about pointing a finger and simply giving instructions for others to do all the work. Especially when deadlines draw near, or the workload is falling behind, be readily available to jump in and help however needed. Your team members will have more respect for you as they see your exerted efforts, which will push them to work harder as well.

12. Hold Team Building Events

Your group should be a team both in and out of the office. While they don’t have to be best friends, holding team building activities like volunteering, happy hour, or even a night of laser tag can drastically improve team rapport. These types of events help your team to see each other in real life scenarios, making it easier for them to communicate and work with one another.

13. Cheer on Your Team

As the team manager, you should be your group’s biggest cheerleader on a daily basis. Your team should feel appreciated for all of the hard work they do, and it is your job to ensure they have that sense of accomplishment. Motivate your group with short pep talks or one-on-one encouragement sessions to boost team morale.

14. Keep Positive Vibes in the Office

Similar to being the cheerleader for your team, it is important to uphold a positive vibe in your office space. Whether this means hanging motivation quote posters around the office or having “Donut Day” once a week, find ways to keep your teammates happy. Promote a positive work environment by providing compliments and recognition when someone excels in their position.

15. Celebrate Wins

Your team has set goals and a mission to accomplish. Whenever those plans are achieved or surpassed, you should be ready and available to reward your team’s hard work. Schedule a team party or find ways to honor your team individually as triumph over their goals.

Effective Team Management Tips for Project Managers

As a project manager, the weight of reaching deadlines and motivating your team falls on your shoulders. Use these fifteen tactics to improve your team’s effectiveness and make it easier to reach your goals. These team management skills will carry over into each project you lead.

For more project management tips and useful software recommendations, be sure to check out our blog.

Simplify your management strategy with these team management tips to help you develop talent, lead your team, and get better results. #leadership

Logan Derrick

Logan Derrick is a full-time business writer and content marketing strategist. For years, he has worked closely with several project management professionals, learning from them and increasing his own knowledge of the industry. Having held multiple management positions in fields ranging from customer service to marketing, Logan has found a passion for helping others learn about project management, marketing, and the powerful tools available to professionals today.

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