Cookie List

Table of Contents
IntroductionToggl Plan cookiesToggl Track cookiesAll third-party cookies


This Cookie List applies to Toggl OÜ, Toggl Inc. and its affiliates, which you have a contract with or which provide services to you, (collectively or individually, as applicable, referred to as “Supplier” or “we”) and the Toggl websites and applications at or linked to from This Cookie List explains how we and our Sub-processors use cookies and similar technologies to recognise you when you visit our websites and use our web applications.

Below are the descriptions for each type of cookie purpose:

  • Functionality - Used to enhance a website's performance and functionality. For example, allowing users to log in and keep the session open between visits.
  • Security - Used for security authenticate users, prevent fraud, and protect users.
  • Analytics - Used to help collect data (anonymously) that allows services to understand how users interact with a particular service. These insights allow us to improve content and to measure site performance.
  • Advertising - For advertising, including serving and rendering ads, personalizing ads, limiting the number of times an ad is shown to a user, muting ads you have chosen to stop seeing, and measuring the effectiveness of ads.

Toggl Plan cookies

browserWarningFunctionalityTo show outdated browser notification
toggl-plan-free-plan-change-[date]FunctionalityTo track if user has dismissed onsite announcement banner
Local Storage
authentication:tokens:refresh_token, authentication:tokens:access_token, authentication:tokens:expires_in, auth:user:id, auth:emailFunctionalityFor authentication
debugFunctionalityUsed to turn debug messages on or off
emojiPicker.recentFunctionalityTo remember user's most recent emojis used 😀
sync-typeFunctionalityUsed to choose a method of pushing data to browsers
zoomlevelFunctionalityTo remember user's settings preferences

Toggl Track cookies

__Host-timer-sessionAuthenticationTo maintain state that a user has successfully authenticated
__track_sessionFunctionalityTo track if there's a session
cookie-policy-warningFunctionalityTo track if user has agreed to onsite cookie policy warning
toggl-localeFunctionalityUser's locale for internalization/timezones
took_the_testFunctionalityTo track if user has taken the test in our "Design your Perfect Week" page
track_userIdFunctionalityTo store the user's ID
Local Storage
obm:[UserId]:seenTimelineIntroDialog, obm:[UserId]:seenNewInsights[Key]ChartTooltip, obm:[UserId]:seenInsightsTrialEndingReminder, obm:[UserId]:seenTogglButtonDialog, obm:[UserId]:seenInsights, timezoneNotificationFunctionalityTo track if user has seen in-app tutorial dialogs or notifications

All third-party cookies

ProductPurposeDescriptionUsed by
AdyenFunctionalityPayment processorToggl Track
AmplitudeAnalyticsProduct analyticsToggl Hire
AvoAnalyticsWebsite and product analyticsToggl Track
BugsnagFunctionalityStability and error monitoringToggl Track
ChargifyFunctionalityPayment processorToggl Track
Facebook AdsAdvertisingAdvertisingToggl Hire, Track
FirebaseFunctionalityApplication developmentToggl Track
Google AdsAdvertisingAdvertisingToggl Track
Google AnalyticsAnalyticsWebsite analyticsToggl Hire, Plan, Track
Google Tag ManagerAnalyticsWebsite tag managementToggl Hire, Plan, Track
Google OptimizeFunctionality, AnalyticsWebsite optimizationToggl Track
HeapAnalyticsProduct analyticsToggl Track
HelpScoutFunctionality, AnalyticsKnowledge baseToggl Plan
HotjarFunctionality, AnalyticsBehavior analytics and user survey toolToggl
HubSpotFunctionality, AnalyticsInbound marketing, sales and customer serviceToggl Hire, Track
IntercomFunctionality, AnalyticsCustomer service and knowledge baseToggl Hire, Plan, Track
LinkedIn InsightsAdvertisingAdvertisingToggl Hire
Microsoft AdsAdvertisingAdvertisingToggl Hire, Track
PostHogAnalyticsProduct analyticsToggl Track
RecurlyFunctionalitySubscription managementToggl Hire
RudderstackAnalyticsCustomer data platformToggl Plan
SentryFunctionalityStability and error monitoringToggl Track
SmartLookAnalyticsBehavior analyticsToggl Hire
SplitFunctionalityFeature flag managementToggl Hire
StripeFunctionalityPayment processorToggl Plan, Track
UserlistFunctionality, AnalyticsEmail marketingToggl Plan

Last updated: April 8th 2024

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