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How Movies Would Be Different With Cellphones [Comic]

Post Author - Emma Murray Emma Murray Last Updated:
How Movies Would Be Different With Cellphones comic

This comic was created by Safely Endangered Comics for the Toggl team – the people behind the world’s no. 1 time tracking app. We’re pretty passionate about time tracking, no matter what device you may be using.

Tracking your time can give a good idea of how well you’re actually working. After all spending time at a desk does not equal productivity (in fact, less time at your desk could actually help keep you be more productive).

If you spend your work hours away from your desk, you may very well want to track your time with your phone. Turns out we’ve got a nifty app for that. We’ve also just released a great update, so why not just click right down there…


Keeping track of your time can even save you money, so why not give it a shot!

Movies are pretty cool but what about more comics?

Well, if you liked this, you might enjoy some of the other pieces we’ve done in the past – like explaining tech jobs with a simple lightbulb. Or another epic piece about how fictional characters really spend their time.

You may also enjoy The Unicorn Startup Simulator – a highly realistic, deeply immoral game about life in the gritty startup scene of Silicon Valley.

We’ll also keep doing these comics, so keep an eye on our Facebook or Twitter if you want to catch them early. We also post on Instagram, if you want to break up those food photos with a comic or two.

If you have any ideas for the next one, or if you think our movie montages are missing something, drop a line where it says “Comments”.

Emma Murray

Emma Murray makes content and content and even more content. She believes everyone has a few good words in them. She also does photojournalism here:

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