How to Track Employee Hours Efficiently: 5 Practical Ways
Discover how to track employee hours accurately. Learn effective methods for better payroll and productivity management.
Julia is a freelance writer and fierce remote work advocate. While traveling full-time, she writes about the intersection of technology and productivity, the future of work, and more. Outside work, you can find her hiking, dancing, or reading in a coffee shop.
Discover how to track employee hours accurately. Learn effective methods for better payroll and productivity management.
Power skills have long been overlooked in favor of more technical abilities like computer programming, data analysis, and financial acumen. But now, it’s time to...
Hiring teams are frazzled. They’re the frontline of your company’s employer brand—the face candidates will remember whether their application is accepted or rejected. And they’re...
The final interview stage is hallowed ground. Only the best candidates have made it this far, and you have the joy of interviewing the cream...
In the 21st century, global connectivity and remote work are reshaping the relationship between organizations and employees. Workers seek greater transparency and ownership, while companies...
Imagine you’re about to participate in a car race, and you have your choice of two cars: a huge family-sized SUV and a sharp-looking two-seater...
Old-school hiring methods just don’t cut it anymore. Resumes are easy to exaggerate, and interviews are easy to ace when you’re charismatic. Today’s recruitment standards...
Good help is hard to find…unless you’ve got a killer employee referral program. 45% of hires made via an employee referral stay over four years...
Workable positions itself as a comprehensive platform designed to help you “find, hire, onboard, and manage the right person for every job.” And reading that...
The traditional hiring model is outdated and inefficient. It’s time-consuming, filled with repetitive manual tasks, and overly reliant on exaggerated resumes and “gut feel” to...
Too many candidates still shudder at the thought of job hunting, often because of (all too recent) memories of a poor candidate experience. Today’s hiring...
47% of people think AI would be better at picking the right candidate for a job than humans. However, 71% oppose using AI in making...