
Reminders with a sting

Built by:BeeminderIcon for external links
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5.0 (2)

About Beeminder

Beeminder is a tool for data nerds to commit to progress towards goals. You specify any graphable goal and Beeminder plots your progress with a Bright Red Line. If your datapoints cross that line, Beeminder charges you money. It's highly motivating!

Integrating your Toggl Track data with Beeminder makes your important tasks urgent. Take a task like getting your thesis written, or that big project for the new client you want to impress. Ensure that you devote every minute to it that you intend to. Set up a Beeminder goal to track your timer for that project, committing to a minimum average amount of time each day and we'll hold you to it. If you get your time done each day, you're good. But if you fall off track and your data falls below the bright red line on your Beeminder graph, you (literally) pay the price.

PS: The question of whether use of Beeminder requires payment is hard to answer! You have to give a valid payment method that will be charged if/when you go off track on your goal. And it's expected that you'll sometimes go off track. If you never do, probably your goal wasn't ambitious enough! We predict that the amount you end up paying will be very worth it compared to the motivation Beeminder provides.

Payment required?: No

Uses: Public API v9

Screenshot of Beeminder app that works with Toggl Track
Screenshot of Beeminder app that works with Toggl Track
Additional documentation
Legal documentation

For all support issues, please contact the developer team directly at support [at]

Beeminder is a community-built integration, and is neither endorsed nor tested by Toggl. Toggl does not assume responsibility or liability for any issues caused by the use of these products. As always, we recommend being diligent in evaluating the tool, determining fit according to your needs, and ensuring the tool is compliant with the laws and legal requirements of your business.

Have you used this integration? Your feedback matters.


Icon of the Track company
GDPR, ISO 27001, and CCPA compliant