Trusted by 70,000+ growing teams worldwide
Easy, fuss-free onboarding
Instant setup, intuitive one-click time tracking and privacy-first approach to make it a breeze to get the whole team on board
Multi-platform time tracking that fits into your workflow
Track time from inside other tools, whether Google Suite or Asana, from your desktop, your phone, or the web. Track in live time or add time later.
Well-loved by employees, freelancers, and contractors who are required to track time
Toggl Track has a longstanding record that proves that time tracking can be simple and minimalistic. A user once said, "In a weird way, Toggl Track kind of makes time tracking fun".
No credit card required ◆ Invite your team in 5 minutes ◆ Cancel paid plans anytime
Onboard your team nowTrack project budgets and performance in real time — and move around resources or re-scope as needed. Make staffing decisions based on hard data, not gut intuition.
You used to have ideas about where your time goes. Now you have proof. Use past time tracking insights for better cost projections, forecasts, and realistic budgets.
You focus on the creative part. We capture every billable minute worked across your entire team. Here's to accurate billing, project transparency, better client relationships — and more of them — without the timers and spreadsheets.
Set clear, time-based targets for projects or billable hours, and watch the progress. Keep yourself and your team focused on what truly matters.
— Greg Martel, COO and co-founder of Newlogic
Onboarding a large team?Book a demo
We'd like to think so, but don't take our word for it. Meet Lighting Beetle, a design agency of 40+.
In the past 2+ years with Toggl Track, Lighting Beetle:
Recorded 50% growth year-over-year in revenue after transforming their approach towards project management with time tracking
Completed nearly 100% of projects on time and within budget by using project time estimates to keep track of project progress
Cultivated loyal clients with time reports that gave stakeholders a bird's eye view of time and resource allocation
— Dominika Babulicová, Marketing manager at Lighting Beetle*
Assign billable rates by workspace, team member, project, project member, or task to see which activities are generating revenue.
Create a dynamic permalink for specific reports and share the link with teammates or clients so they can track your work live, or bookmark for easy access.
Add project hours so you can track how your actuals are doing against your estimates. Get automated email alerts as estimates approach certain milestones that you specify.
Reset your estimates regularly every designated period. Useful for recurring projects such as weekly design reviews or monthly feedback sessions.
Email automated reminders to your team if they've tracked less than their target daily or weekly hours.
Prevent any changes to time entry data after a set date and ensure reports are complete and accurate.
Add projects, clients, and tags.
Toggl Track's Free plan is free forever. Our Premium plan comes with a free, 30-day trial. No credit card required to get started.
“Toggl Track's edge is its utter simplicity, and simplicity fosters buy-in. If you want to see how time is spent in your team, you owe members a simple tracking interface. Toggl Track does this.”
Michael T, Executive. 5/5 stars on Capterra.
“With Toggl Track, we're never late with projects. We always fulfill our commitments. Because we never over-scope, and we never experience scope creep.”
Marek Šolc, CFO of Lighting Beetle*, A Design Studio